What do you love about being a stylist?
“I love making people feel more confident in themselves. I also enjoy meeting and talking with new guests. I knew several years ago I wanted to be a stylist so I started Cosmetology school when I was a Senior in high school.”
What is the best advice you have heard?
“Change your thinking, change your life.”
What would people be surprised to know about you?
“I have a really good memory and have memories of things that happened in my life as far back as when I was 2 years old! Also, I spent several summers working for my dad and his excavating business so I am really good with a shovel.”
Who is someone you admire?
“I admire my dad. He has always been there for me and my siblings.”
What is a goal you have set for yourself this year?
“I want to spend more time with my family and travel more.”